Hi users and developers, After the use of MTAG the mean chi2 of TRAIT_1 increased from 1.088 to 1.417. According to the increase of mean chi (1-mean chi^2 MTAG)/(1-mean chi^2...
Dear MTAG developers,We are performing an MTAG analysis in which the trait of interest has a mean chi2 of 1.093.When performing MTAG with traits that have the following parameters, I...
Hi users and developers, Many thanks in advance for your time and help. I am computing MTAG for four traits and, surprisingly, I get an FDR of 41%. However, the...
Dear authors, I'd like to ask for help for this new issue. After doing mtag using this script: ~/projects/def-rtadros/tools/mtag/mtag.py --sumstats file1,file2,file3 --out ./mtag_metaformat --n_min 0.0 --force --meta_format --stream_stdout I got...
Dear authors, Here is the other and last error (I cross fingers) that I get when performing mtag with the meta_format option. Of note, I used exactly the same sumstats...