Hi, The same ones for the 2 traits and 4 traits analysis: Calling ./mtag.py \ --stream-stdout \ --n-min 0.0 \ --sumstats trait1,trait4 \ --fdr \ --out ./MTAG_nov2021_pairwise-fdr/trait1-trait4 Thank you! Paloma
Hi Patrick and thanks for your help, Researching of possible for this FDR I found a post in which it indicates that for binary phenotypes (from case-control studies) I need...
### LOG FILE FDR 41% - 4 TRAIT ANALYSIS 2021/12/16/03:47:14 PM MTAG: Multi-trait Analysis of GWAS Version: 1.0.8 (C) 2017 Omeed Maghzian, Raymond Walters, and Patrick Turley Harvard University Department...
### LOG FILE - 2 TRAIT ANALYSIS Please find attached the record of the pairwise analysis of TRAIT_1 and TRAIT_4 from previous analyses. TRAIT_4 is the one that has the...
Thank you very much!!!
Oh sorry, I've updated it!
Thank you very much, this is really clarifying.
Thank you very much for the quick answer. I’m using up to 16 traits...
Hi Patrick, I would like to know if there is any update about the --meta-format option and if it is feasible to use it with 10 or more traits. Thank...
Dear developers, I was wondering if the option use_beta_will be re-enabled for MTAG since when calculating MTAG for binary phenotypes using Z and N, the recalculation of beta and se...