Dear developer and users, I am having the same issue: POS2
Thank you very much for your responses. Please let us know when the meta-format option is available.
Hi Patrick and developers, Thanks for all your previous answers and help. I have reattempted the same analysis and got the same error when using MTAG on 4 traits with...
That's perfectly understandable. Thank you very much!
Hi to developers and users, First of all, thanks again for this tool and for your time. I am currently using MTAG for analysis that contain a number of traits...
Hello developers and users, First of all, many thanks for your help and previous answers. To calculate the maxFDR in an analysis of more than 4 traits, say 9, I...
Yes, I'm only using the maxFDRs for trait1.
Hi again, so what would be your recommendation for calculating the FDR when more than 4 traits are included? Thank you very much! Paloma
It is the complete log file, I can send you the original one by mail if you prefer. I only modified the sumstats names. The GWAS n is: 224727 GWAS...
Thank you very much for your answer!! I'll try to use GenomicSEM. I'll keep you updated.