Joey Gao

Results 8 issues of Joey Gao

Hello! I spent an hour on my data set training an XGBOD model, and it worked well on the test set, but after saving the model file with PICKLE, I...


# 背景 之前写过一个`eplot`的包( )模仿`pandas`的`df.plot`模块快速将`pyecharts`和`pandas`集成,直接调用`df.eplot()`/``...即可。但这种实现现在看来并不够优雅。 我们知道:`pandas`默认的画图接口是`matplotlib`,但在`pandas0.25`及之后的版本里也开放了第三方后端接口的支持。 比如我们把后端换成`plotly` ```python pd.set_option('plotting.backend', 'plotly') ts = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) ts.plot() ``` 或者 ```python ts.plot(backend='plotly') ``` 这时调用`.plot()`时其实相当于 ```python import plotly plotly.plot(ts) ``` # 原理 从`pandas`的`_get_plot_backend`方法里可以看出:查找后端的逻辑就是先看是`setup`里的`entry_points`是否有等于`pandas_plotting_backends`的字段,没有的话再去直接尝试导入设置的后端名。 因此有两种方法:...


比如xgb/lgb early stoping参数

code this line []( should be ```python frame = cv2.copyMakeBorder(frame, 0, nrows-rows, 0, ncols - cols, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) ``` not ```python frame = cv2.copyMakeBorder(frame, 0, ncols - cols, 0, nrows... ![image]( 这个论文是抄袭了作者的项目吗?

## 🐛 Bug report ### To reproduce I have these classes,both `A` and `B` are inherited from `Base`,`C` is inherited from `pydantic.BaseModel` (dataclass-like class): ```python from typing import Union from...



## 🐛 Bug report when use lazy_instance as default value, there is a assert cannot satisfy ```python assert name not in self.__dict__ ``` ### To reproduce 1. Using the CLI...
