Pierre Janeke
Pierre Janeke
Thanks so much for the work on this repo so far. I think prefix caching could be very useful and I see that vLLM is also starting to support it...
In modpacks like RLCraft you mark an absurd number of librarians (many many different enchantments). A simple search filter that ignores case and searches for the keyword would be great
Version: sglang==0.1.14 Hardware: ec2 g5.xlarge Hi, when using the following line: ```python3 python sglang.launch_server --model-path openchat/openchat-3.5-0106 --port 30000 --mem-fraction-static 0.8 --enable-flashinfer ``` So, I notice two problems when running the...
Is there any chance some of the contributors would consider building an async version of s3path? I love using s3path, but I do find myself in a few situations where...