
Results 3 issues of FatTiger

Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole` ```bash Darwin MacBook-Pro.local 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul 5 22:17:35 PDT 2023;...


Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. 1. What did you do? If possible, provide a simple script for reproducing the error. hyperf3.0 开启xdebug调试时,执行pgsql查询,worker进程退出 [2024-04-19 16:32:54 $71382.0] WARNING Server::check_worker_exit_status():...

我已经试过了两个配置项, 假如 ascii_mode: true 的话,不管是命令行,还是vim模式都不能输入中文 但是如果不设置ascii_mode: true,设置vim_mode: true ,得话命令行和vim都能输入中文了 能不能分开配置?