Piyush Singariya
Piyush Singariya
Parallel execution support in specific connectors; We're waiting for Go1.23 to release offically, to utilize iterators for cleaner batch iteration of streams
**Driver/Adapter Release** (Stable/Edge both release supported) (ARM/AMD) Two Release channels - `stable` means sanity of connector not having any experimental changes; and are released after thorough testing. - Versions follows...
- [ ] Update License to Apache 2.0 in the repository - [ ] Update Code of conduct - [ ] Write Contributing.md
Gear5 needs a set of Releaser Github Workflows to publish CDK and Individual Connectors Stable Release of both are supposed to be executed via Releases with tags; and both of...
**CDK Release** (Only Stable Release; Edge Release not supported) - Release via tags - Tag pattern (vX.x.x, vX.x.x-rc1); must not be triggered on other tag patterns - Publish Go Package...
Write Issue templates for Gear5 - [ ] Issue Connector - [ ] Issue CDK - [ ] Issue CI - [ ] Connector Request - [ ] Feature Request...