Piyal Basu
Piyal Basu
* Feature/soroswap (#1347) * Feature/hash signing 2 (#1303) * flips the session store flag, updates listeners to not be intialized … (#1169) * capture amplitude errors to better understand why...
Scan token docs: https://docs.blockaid.io/reference/scan-token
Dapp scanning docs: https://docs.blockaid.io/reference/scan-site
```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Anonymize addresses and send Blockaid payload to Amplitude ```
Right now, a user must have Experimental Mode enabled if that want to connect to a non-SSL dapp. This prevents a user from using Mainnet with a non-SSL dapp, which...
See this line in code: https://github.com/stellar/freighter/blob/master/extension/src/popup/views/SignAuthEntry/index.tsx#L63 Should this be able to be signed using hash signing?
Implement using the spec in SEP-43: https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/blob/master/ecosystem/sep-0043.md