Piyal Basu
Piyal Basu
Discord thread: https://discord.com/channels/897514728459468821/1019346446014759013/1202246088715669534
This may not be needed when we switch to using the new wallet-sdk
From @leighmcculloch: We should be cautious displaying the domain from the asset issuers Stellar account home domain field, because anyone can put any domain into their accounts home domain. For...
@FredericRezeau Thanks for reporting this. I've been looking into this issue but thus far have not been able to recreate this. If you feel comfortable doing so, could you please...
@paulbellamy Apologies, I accidentally published a new version of this branch while trying to debug an issue in Freighter. It just created a new version `8.2.2-soroban.8` that is exactly the...
@Shaptic Thanks for flagging! I just installed this locally and ran through some smoke tests. Freighter builds and runs as expected 🎉
This is a bit tough to follow. There could be some issues with your code, but hard to decipher here. If this is still an issue, can you please create...
Released in [5.20.0](https://github.com/stellar/freighter/releases/tag/5.20.0)
> Should this be based from master? It's only build related so it seems ok to me but happy to target it for a release branch also. Yup, I think...
Implemented in [v5.23.0](https://github.com/stellar/freighter/releases/tag/5.23.0)