Same here. I run `get_sequence_type` for 1108 _Helicobacter pylori_ assemblies, 530 resulted in concatenated all N fasta files. I inspected the assembly information of the strains, found that the error...
And an error happened when I simulated the data with X-replacement method. The config file ``` title="Test Simulation 15 samples X-replacement" bam_files=[ "/data/wes/run/20181205/02.bam/HG01200/HG01200_recal.bam", ...... ] target_regions="/data/wes/Ref/bed/SeqCap_EZ_Exome_v3_hg19_capture_targets.bed" simulation_type='replace' concurrency=20 known_cnvs="/data/wes/cnv/00.simulation/15sample_cnv.tsv" samples...
Hi Simon, I rebuild the docker images with the git pull, now the x replacement can start successfully, but I got another error ``` Sat Dec 29 00:54:14 UTC 2018...
After I removed the sample HG01089, everything worked.