Arsenii Koriagin
Arsenii Koriagin
So, we were able to find out that this problem only occurs when we using coverted to tflite yolov5. When we run this graph with your ssd model everythin is...
Hey @kuaashish ! Thanks a lot for your answer! We use [yolov5](, and manual converted its tflite version. I don't think it's outdated, but it doesn't work on the GPU......
Thanks for advices, but i tried it all in different combinations Here are all options i founded closed to this problem, but it doesn't work option.add_argument('--no-sandbox') option.add_argument("--enable-automation") #option.add_argument("start-maximized") option.add_argument("--disable-extensions") option.headless...
Sorry for the delayed response. We are still using MediaPipe 0.8.1. It is possible that the issue has been fixed in newer versions. Here's what we have done so far:...