
Results 10 comments of pixelinkmedia

Also, just so you know. I can hide the close button at design time using Edit Flags. But, If I drag (dock) it in another window, the the X button...

Here is a screen shot. Before dragging (docking) a window = NO "X" button After with the "X" button displayed again. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51757955/168917642-a4cf6b17-48c6-492a-820a-eedd1474c409.png)

Two things. 1) I don't want to hide a docking window, neither do I want it closed at all 2) The is no CloseLogic property. There is a "ButtonDisplayLogic" which...

That is what I have ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51757955/169050481-868bff23-8db5-4f75-a2ef-ae7321312a55.png)

Well, I just downloaded plugin. Thanks But it still shows up in the wrong location and is not usable unless you widen the toolbar. Plugins today should go just into...

I made some changes to the script to get it to work. 1) __init__.py _Correct_ **"location": "View3D",** _incorrect_ #"location": "View 3D > Toolbar > JARCH Vis", 2) jv_panel.py _I added_...

Yeah, it was enabled. However, after I closed LN and reopened it displayed.

OKay. Cool. I will update as soon as it is released. Thanks

Okay... figured out what is wrong, According to your page on [](https://blender-addons.org/command-recorder-addon/) You instruct to remove the "2.8-master" from the ZIP filename Which I did. I went and checked the...