Pengxiang Li

Results 28 comments of Pengxiang Li

Thank you very much for your suggestion. We will discuss this in the meeting.😀

Sorry, I gave the wrong configuration file. The correct one is as follows. Just **delete** this parameter. ```python dataset_type = 'CocoDataset' img_norm_cfg = dict( mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],...

You are using a `metric` method that is not supported. When running `python`, please note the argument after `--eval`.

Does the file `gt.txt` exist in the path `data/MOT20/test/MOT20-04/gt/`? Have you checked?

Well, I see. You want to eval the **test** set, but you can't do it locally. The **MOT challenge** doesn't provide gt.txt for test set verification, so `--eval track` may...

Hello, For some reasons, the weight of qdtrack on TAO has not been given. You can download it at this temporary link first. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your feedback! Please change your file referring to this PR:

```python model = dict( **detector**=dict( backbone=dict(xxxx) ) ) ``` The correct form is as above.(`**` is no use, just as a reminder, please remember to delete) In general, to change...

Just like this, you should use ``` model = dict( detector=dict( backbone=dict(xxxx) ) ) ``` instead of ``` model = dict( backbone=dict(xxxx) ) ```