Chris Garcia
Chris Garcia
Ugh, I haven't been paying attention to this project for a while. This looks good to me. Thanks for your efforts and persistence.
I'm going to merge some Dependabot-initiated minor version bumps and publish in the next couple of days.
I'd like to help out. I see this is an ancient comment, but if it would still help you to just have another set of eyes to run tests and...
As a gesture of good will 😄I submitted a PR just now. Hope you see it! Side note - I like this library a lot, but if it's not really...
Would you consider (also) adding an option to screenshot artboards and/or components and commit them in a directory alongside the pages? Then you'd get visual diffs in Github. Might also...
Hey @levaleks, I helped with that feature, but I'm not the project owner; so ultimately not my call. I might be missing something here, but I think the auto-fix capability...
@augustjk Done - that look ok?