@chr56 - Why not change the behaviour to not trying to read tags or metadata of not supported media files that play just well? These kind of error messages should...
@Zahrun "just want to help a few curious people to try the app before release" - Thank you very much for being helpful! 🥇
> > @iamflorencejay what is done? > There is an f-droid version of odysee That's NOT a release of the Android-native version you should be posting about here... Read: https://github.com/OdyseeTeam/odysee-android/issues/139#issuecomment-1172861457
Sadly, it hasn't been done. In your own words: https://github.com/OdyseeTeam/odysee-android-floss/issues/14#issuecomment-1355166414
> odysee-android (https://github.com/OdyseeTeam/odysee-android) > * [Native] Android App > * [Wrong:] This is the app available on Play Store @BRBsoup - Please correct your post! "The native app is still...
@soncaokim - Can you please delete the bug tag and change the title to match the changed character of this discussion? It's a feature request now.
@Jens14L - newer builds (TRWP and MultiROM) for the Nexus 5 can be found here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=71155463&postcount=3615
Workaround: Use the app in landscape orientation.
Since the command cannot be executed on not rooted devices, these users will lookup the readme to find the needed command to copy and paste it into the adb shell...
adb shell pm grant io.github.muntashirakon.captiveportalcontroller android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS