Mónika Mátrai-Pitz

Results 2 issues of Mónika Mátrai-Pitz

Hi, Impressive tool, thanks and congrats! I've been using get_posts_by_search for a while. My code: ``` set_proxy("socks5://") cookies='...\cookies.txt' set_cookies(cookies) enable_logging(logging.DEBUG) for post in get_posts_by_search(word=search_term, timeout=30, extra_info=True, page_limit=20, options={"posts_per_page":10, "reactions":True, "reactors":True,"allow_extra_requests":...

Hi, Great tool, congrats! I am using the following code: ``` from facebook_page_scraper import Facebook_scraper import os import stem.process SOCKS_PORT = 9050 TOR_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()+"\\Tor\\tor\\tor.exe") tor_process = stem.process.launch_tor_with_config( config =...
