comes with M1 binaries and does not depend directly on any gfortran
``` Elementwise matrix operations with scalar (I,D) => B [info] + op < works [error] x op ARG_0: [100 x 100] [error] 1269956579 -1651588045 -23183[90](https://github.com/pityka/saddle/runs/5309342893?check_suite_focus=true#step:5:90)47 1009904595 ... 598167718 -10[91](https://github.com/pityka/saddle/runs/5309342893?check_suite_focus=true#step:5:91)060996 -56654787...
`org.saddle.Vec(()).map(println)` throws ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Array.java:75) at scala.reflect.ClassTag.newArray(ClassTag.scala:66) at scala.reflect.ClassTag.newArray$(ClassTag.scala:65) at org.saddle.scalar.ScalarTagAny.newArray(ScalarTagAny.scala:23) at scala.collection.IterableOnceOps.toArray(IterableOnce.scala:1278) at scala.collection.IterableOnceOps.toArray$(IterableOnce.scala:1276) at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.toArray(Iterable.scala:919) at org.saddle.Vec$.apply(Vec.scala:52) ``` Even if not very useful, it...
scoverage+codecov was removed a while back for two reasons: 1. scoverage did not support some Scala 2.12.x versions. This is not an issue today any more. 2. https://about.codecov.io/security-update/
Order NA below others. Check for nulls in AnyRef
```scala "Outer join of same non-unique indexes " in { val ix1 = Index(0, 0) val ix2 = Index(0, 0) val res = ix1.join(ix2, how = index.OuterJoin) /* Outer join...
## Compiler version 3.4.1 ## Minimized code The following code fails on scala3 with a strange error message but compiles on scala2. ```Scala sealed trait Foo { self => type...