Pitiphong Phongpattranont
Pitiphong Phongpattranont
You can add a new delegate method asking for the size of the header similar to the UITableViewDelegate and add the logic in the calculateLayout method
I see that there are some unrelated code in this PR (especially the CocoaPods). Could you remove them?
Yes, you can. By having a custom subclass for the Header view for each section
What are those square? Are they a UICollectionViewCell?
I think in this case, you can have a disclosure indicator a UICollectionViewCell with another cell type with its own cell identifier and return it from the cellForItem method.
I see. I'm afraid that this library doesn't support this scenario out of the box but you can fork this project and make a change to make it support your...
You can add a new kind of supplementary view for the detail disclosure (and may also with a custom Layout Attribute) and layout it in prepareLayout method similar to https://github.com/pitiphong-p/CollectionViewShelfLayout/blob/master/CollectionViewShelfLayout/CollectionViewShelfLayout.swift#L178-L186...
Or if you set the deployment target at iOS 13 then you may try the new https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicollectionviewcompositionallayout as presented in https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/215/
The question is "How and where will we gonna do the snapping? At center or the edge? Or do we need an option for that?"
I agree with @kballard