Dear mogulman52 please clarify how to use your suggested code in order to handle the geckodriver.exe and where to find the geckodriver.exe?
Dear mogulman52. The issue on FF 48+ was submitted one year ago with title: "Firefox 48+ not working with SeleniumBasic (#162)". Your reply at that time was: "The last FF...
Dear Mr. mougulman52,can you better explain how you connected SB to EDGE having their process id?With my regards. Inviato da Yahoo Mail su Android Il Lun, 15 Lug, 2019 alle...
I hope you/Florentbr will help soon all excel users to work with FF new release's.With my best regard and happy new year.Emidio Cecchi Inviato da Yahoo Mail su Android Il...
Dear mogulman52/Florentbr, is there any development on the issue regarding the dll from excel to .Net as you mentioned in the previous comment or whatever is now available to act...
Hi. My question to GitHub is: why a new release of SeleniumBasic will not be issued adding the GeckoDriver that is strictly necessary to operate with Firefox version 48 and...
SeleniumBasic needs an update for Firefox 47+ adding GeckoDriver. When it will be possible to have the new release of SeleniumBasic?
Dear mr. Mogulman, your SeleniumBasic works fine for Chrome, Edge and Opera too, including the latest versions of these web browsers. But Firefox doesn't works with the geckodriver.exe available on...