Some problem here, hope you can fix it. I just took an annual subscription, and sadly I do now not have a way of watching F1 on my TV any...
Did you have any time or progress to look at the problem/changes during this F1 weekend?
I have the same problem for a couple of weeks.
For me it only works partly when I disable DRM here in the Netherlands. When I watch a show like Vintage Voltage I only have subtitles for a few minutes,...
> @pipo1000 It's hard to know if it is fault in InputStream Adaptive or discovery+. Website uses DRM and I don't know does they even use DRM disabled/HLS streams in...
> Then you have to wait for official release or build InputStream Adaptive yourself. Where can I see if there is an official release of this fix so I can...
Still waiting for the official CoreElec 19.4 release to try out the fix.
I also flashed from 19.3 to 19.4 and then I hit some problems with CE 19.4 CEC and freezing and went back to 19.3. Luckily the new IA stayed and...