Piper Haywood
Piper Haywood
Would be great to show posts related to a particular project. Related to a suggestion by Bec. The most straightforward implementation that would be do-able really quickly would be to...
Or gallery setting? Not sure. At any rate, this would be useful for Work pages for a lot of people, and probably on certain posts.
Suggestion by Bec: Could be nice to have alphabetical anchor links on the index! Hurdles include: - If the index is just a shortcode as it currently is, this means...
More forgiving when ppl have fewer tags, also looks better on mobile.
Consider a list and thumbnail-based way of viewing the archives.
See Layout–v3.sketch. Consider tags in left-hand column on larger screens a la an actual commonplace book. What would be the impact on shorter pieces of content?
This will happen after advised by Bec. Should also consider the appropriate fonts for languages with non-Latin alphabets.