> I did that, could it be possible that I can't import it in typescript? Hi! The command you run is only used to install types made available by certain...
Could you provide an example of the part of the code that caused these errors please? It looks like Canvas did not load the fonts before trying to generate your...
Personally, I don't have any font errors. There is only the background image that has to be downloaded directly from the site and then loaded locally, otherwise you get an...
I've the same issue sometimes. But, it’s not supposed to do that. The plugin should not crash like that, it’s amazing. [Line 59 of the file](https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration/blob/master/plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/almightyalpaca/jetbrains/plugins/discord/plugin/rpc/connection/DiscordIpcConnection.kt#L59), can not normally crash....
> > I've the same issue sometimes. But, it’s not supposed to do that. The plugin should not crash like that, it’s amazing. [Line 59 of the file](https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration/blob/master/plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/almightyalpaca/jetbrains/plugins/discord/plugin/rpc/connection/DiscordIpcConnection.kt#L59), can not...
Good evening, It works perfectly for me, so I think a few things need to be clarified: 1. Your `Node.js` version 2. The version of the package you have 3....