胡雨軒 Петр
胡雨軒 Петр
I'm really a great fan of this library, and there is this feeling that it is becoming kind of one of Clojure's missing pieces. I think the library core is...
Hello, thanks for this great project. I noticed that there is a label for good first issues, but none is currently available. https://github.com/metosin/malli/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22 Would you consider labelling some issues as...
Hello, thanks for this very well-thought tool! The README of this lib usually names schemas like `Address`, `Age`, but also `abcd`, `my-schema`, and obviously a datum schema can be named...
I noticed a change in my Brewfile: ``` diff -mas "macOS High Sierra", id: Install +mas "Install macOS High Sierra", id: 0 ``` Does it mean the update has been...
Hiya there, Thanks for that tool which sounds promising and fun :-) Have you ever thought about releasing it on Homebrew?
Thank you very much for this amazing library. I wish I were as deeply knowledgeable of Clojure and I had fathomed it as deep as you! See here for the...
Versions used: - `[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]` - `[funcool/cats "2.3.6"]` - `[funcool/promesa "5.1.0"]` ns form: ``` clojure (ns user (:require [cats.builtin] [cats.core :refer [bind return alet mlet fmap fapply]] [cats.monad.maybe :refer [just]]...
Bonjour :-) Methinks only this link is accessible: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/carte-et-donnees. What about some deeplink mechanism would be introduced, so that one can share the dashboard in the state currently displayed? So...
Hello, thanks for this nice project! I've been stumbling upon one exception, and one unexpected behaviour while trying to expose JVM metrics to Prometheus scrapper: ``` clj (ns piotr-yuxuan.mulog-expose-kafka-publisher (:require...
I see that [system-packages](https://github.com/jabranham/system-packages) already supports quite a few different package manager. Would it be more or less straightforward for this package to support some other package manager?