@purestudio ### running locally To make it work locally you need to have a server running. It could be a node server like @thomasmaclean suggested or any other server. If...
It is propably backend issue. Like @bslipek said you need to have url likie `mydomain.com/#/state?param1=....`. If you are using devise token auth. You have to override your User model and...
I am upgrading from 5.00 to 6.00 version and I have the same issue. How did you solve it @Hirurg103 ?
@Hirurg103 You have added the `optional: true` to this file. I will prepare PR with this fix, in the next week maybe
@robotex82 you can use: `gem "acts-as-taggable-on", git: "https://github.com/michelson/acts-as-taggable-on"` in your gemfile to get master branch
I really looking forward example. For me, it sounds like super complicated how to implement GDPR compliant cookie. I know that everything is in the documentation but usually when I...