
Results 3 comments of pio2pio

@[snrkl](https://github.com/snrkl) what was the work around. I have the same issue, the screens goes off and on since upgrade of drivers from 5.4 to 5.5. I was on 5.5beta for...

The same happens with SMS 2FA authentication ```sh pass [email protected] | aws-google-auth -u [email protected] Google Password: Enter SMS token: G-ERROR:root:EOF when reading a line Traceback (most recent call last): File...

I step on this problem as well, still get ``` CHART APP VERSION opencost-1.29.1 1.108.0 ``` ```log opencost-8b855b88b-cp87s opencost 2024-02-14T15:44:35.32942845Z INF Found ProviderID starting with "gce", using GCP Provider opencost-8b855b88b-cp87s...