Pedro Nunes
Pedro Nunes
Hello, Its possible to filter which namespaces fission will watch for functions, packages and so on? Quick look at the code and seems is watching all namespaces without any configurable...
Issue when specifying the major version with major.minor ``` Install-OSServerPreReqs : Cannot index into a null array. At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Untitled1.ps1:49 char:1 + Install-OSServerPreReqs -MajorVersion "$(([System.Version]$OSServerVe ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo :...
Sometimes, customers install service center by other means. When they try to use Install-OSPlatformLicense it will fail cause doesn't pass the service center installation check. So, we should remove that...
C:\Program Files\OutSystems\Development Environment 10
Install-OSServiceStudio should check if platform is configured
Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning doesnt set ACLs on the IISCompression folder or NETCompilation folder
Install-OSServiceStudio doesnt exit when installation fails