PINOperation copied to clipboard
## WHY - Carthage 0.38.0 supports`--use-xcframeworks` option. - XCFramework resolves to Carthage Xcode 12 workaround. ## WHAT - Fix missing xcode paths in GitHub Actions - - macOS-latest pre...
## WHY - This PR is resolved above Xcode 12 warning. - Above Xcode 12, Xcode supports above iOS 9.0. ``` The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0,...
Hi, Current release installed by SPM can't import headers as follows: ``` fatal error: 'PINOperation/PINOperation.h' file not found #import ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``` This PR fixes that.
1. Once you want cancel group, the` _groupToOperationReferences` contains all object, ```Ruby for (id operationReference in [_groupToOperationReferences objectEnumerator]) { if ([_operationQueue cancelOperation:operationReference]) { dispatch_group_leave(_group); } } ``` Execute all object's...
Thanks for `pinterest` contribution to open source! And I found a `_start` flag that never used, So I hope to remove it.
** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Ld */Xcode/DerivedData/App-bfxrhhepycrxtqefetrczqiyiiuh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal x86_64 (in target 'PINOperation' from project 'Pods') Error when CocoaPods trunk
I'm seeing runtime issue in console. ### Stack trace: ``` Thread Performance Checker: Thread running at QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED waiting on a lower QoS thread running at QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT. Investigate ways to avoid...