Pin Shuai
Pin Shuai
Thank you for the clarification. I am not very familiar with the FFT theory, but I think they must use a `cmor` wavelet since the plot generated by `cmor1.5-1.0` look...
There are a few triangles that are None. Did you do any clipping for the landcover raster? I think there is something to do with the source file. I used...
The `None` label came back again in a different watershed I am working on. I noticed that when I switched to NLCD 2019 product, the issue is gone. Perhaps we...
Same issue here when redirecting to a pdf in the blog post.
Updates: manual build works, but not with the GitHub Action workflow. ``` jb build . ghp-import -n -p -f ./_build/html ```
I updated the build command as well as the path as follows: ``` jupyter-book build group_handbook/. ... path: "group_handbook/_build/html" ``` Now I am getting this error: ``` Run actions/deploy-pages@v2 with:...
You may want to try this [older version]( of the meshing workflow. It should work with the docker. From what I can tell, the repo is up to date but...
If you really want to use the Docker, you can also update the watershed-workflow source code inside the docker container using 'git pull'. This way, you don't have to install...