Results 10 issues of MF

Trying to change to a directory or run `__avn_debug` causes an infinite loop of processes to keep getting spawned. I am using zsh. `chpwd_functions=( __avn_Chpwd )`. I can think of...

### Summary Hello. In the docs for community.general.packaging.os.homebrew_cask, it says [we can pass a `sudo_password: "{{ansible_become_pass}}"` argument in]( However this variable is undefined, even if running with -K or --ask-become-pass....


### Feature Proposal Hello. Since #444, our build outputs have gotten quite verbose. We have some `extends '.style' has no matches` errors (seen in [tests in #444]( that repeat across...

## Documentation Page * * ## Issue Description documents the use of `DD_AGENT_HOST` meanwhile and [`dd-trace-js`'s `docs/`]( document the use of slightly different `DD_TRACE_AGENT_HOST`. ideally the...

In the `registerChild` example in CellMeasurer, we never use `registerChild`. From looking around some, I believe one valid use is to pass it as `ref={registerChild}`, which I do here. I'm...

# Environment Knex version: 2.5.0+ Database + version: any OS: any # Bug Passing a frozen `connection` object to Knex's constructor will now cause it to die. This occurs since...

## Expected Behavior Running a `$` command inside a `spinner` should at some point print what the command is. For example, the following would (I'd hope) print `$ long-running foo`...

## Expected Behavior zx should be able to read files passed to it via process substitution. The following should see the process substitution & run the console.log and print `hi`:...

- [X] Used appropriate template for the issue type - [X] Searched both open and closed issues for duplicates of this issue - [X] Title adequately and _concisely_ reflects the...

- [X] Used appropriate template for the issue type - [X] Searched both open and closed issues for duplicates of this issue - [X] Title adequately and _concisely_ reflects the...