Hirohito Sasaki
Hirohito Sasaki
Thank you for your message. I updated README.md. It may not enough. but i think LogCatch is not so difficult to use. "Devices" button lists devices connected. "Files" button browse...
For now, I recommend that you can manually Input TagFilter like " W | E " to filter warnings/erros. Quotation is not needed. " V | D | I |...
I fixed this bug or disadvantage. Now tcp connected device is supported. Please pull and try again. Well.. other bug or not implemented function: - processFilter (temporary showing process package...
Problem is that my app did not support dot-separated-name like when adb is tcpip connected. I fixed that. I checked latest commit on Windows 7 and Nox Android Player....
From you logs, I think you forgot to click device name "NoxW/4.4.2:" after clicking "Devices.." button. Flow: - wish LogCatch.tcl - click "Devices" -> device name lists "NoxW/4.4.2:" - click...
I add preference from menus button on top right window. You can change adb path from preference now.
Sorry about that. Now I add a preference "Menu face" on Preference window. Please check "Menubar" to show again.
Thanks for your advise. As you say, i will change shebang to bash.