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[Bug]: after latest Update subtitle template code is not visible but exists
- [X] I checked the troubleshooting section in the README to verify that I have the latest Mushroom version.
- [X] I did a search to see if there is a similar issue or if a pull request is open.
- [X] I have read the state of card mod support (in pin issues) and understand card mod support is not provided in this repository.
Current Behavior
After Updating my whole subtitle in title cards are not shown in the gui but in yaml they are still exists.
Expected Behavior
subtitle should be visible like before the update
Steps To Reproduce
No response
YAML state
- Browser: chrome
- HA Version: 2024.4.0
- Mushroom: 3.5.4
Anything else?
my template code which is working in dev tools->template
`{% set countedplugs = expand(state_attr('switch.steckdosenzahler','entity_id'))|selectattr('state','eq','on')|map(attribute='entity_id')|list|count %} {% set countedlights = expand('light.lampenzahler')|selectattr('state','eq','on')|list|count %} {% set countedplugs = expand(state_attr('switch.steckdosenzahler','entity_id'))|selectattr('state','eq','on')|map(attribute='entity_id')|list|count %}
{{ states('sensor.current_weather') }}, es sind {{ state_attr('weather.forecast_home', 'temperature') }}°C draußen, die Luftfeuchtigkeit beträgt {{ state_attr('weather.forecast_home','humidity') }}% und es soll heute {% set weather = state_attr('weather.forecast_home', 'forecast') | selectattr('datetime', 'lt', (now().replace(hour=23,minute=59)).isoformat()) | map(attribute='precipitation') | list | max %}{{ 'bis zu ' ~ weather ~ 'mm' if weather != 0.0 else 'nicht' }} Regnen.
Aktuell {{ 'sind' if countedlights > 1 else 'ist' }} {{ 'keine' if countedlights == 0 else countedlights }} {{ 'Lampen' if countedlights > 1 else 'Lampe'}} an, es {{ 'sind' if countedplugs > 1 else 'ist' }} {{ 'keine' if countedplugs == 0 else countedplugs }} {{ 'Steckdosen' if countedplugs > 1 else 'Steckdose'}} an und die Heizung läuft im {{ states('sensor.zuhause_tado_modus') }} Modus.
Es werden gerade {{ states('sensor.energy_power_haus_live') | round(2) }} Watt Strom verbraucht und im gesamten Haus wurden heute {{ states('sensor.energy_haus_heute')}} kWh verbraucht. `