
Results 30 comments of piher

I am having the same issue. My downloading code worked fine before I upgraded the library to 1.5.3 but now that I did the getMessage returns null. Have you found...

That's what I was talking about. The 1.5.3 returns null messages and the 1.5.0 doesn't but has troubles parsing headers (it cuts off the beginning of some message bodies). And...

Hi JackEker, I'm really sorry for the (super) late reply, the project in wich I was using the library is now over. Actually when I wrote this post I was...

So you say you found a way to work with accentuation ?

Maybe we could start by reading the bytes as ASCII, then when we encounter a "=?something?" or a "charset=" (or any other header specifying encoding) we switch to the specified...

I may be saying something very naive because I've never learned about wrappers but as an example when calling GetMessages(0,2000,....) i thought it would be of great comfort to trigger...

I'm sure that would be great. Just FYI, what I did for my personal use was to create a gotMsg event that is raised after x.add(mail), referencing the msg for...

Well, that would be great for testing purposes. But actually I was not really thinking about testing, more of a new functionnality. Indeed, I developped a small thunderbird-like email client...

I can see two cases where your code will fail : - if the "charset=" bytes have been truncated because of the buffer's limited length (tmpBody can end with "char"...

Hi, could you try with this code ? It seems to be working for me. [Edited : the part where I decoded quoted-printable and base64 was just stupid........] [EDITED 2...