Piers Deseilligny

Results 58 comments of Piers Deseilligny

Yep I agree this would be very cool - as would commands that vary depending on the state. For example, running `workbench.action.debug.start` if isDebugMode==false, or `workbench.action.debug.continue` if isDebugMode==true

I feel like "debug aware" and "language aware" would already allow for some pretty powerful features - especially if the streamdeck image can be customized in each state. It might...

I'm also having trouble with this... did you find a solution @ryantheleach ?

I don't mean to nag, but did you ever find the time to do so @csharpfritz ? Regardless, thanks a ton for this library!

Unfortunately, this isn't yet possible, as the vscode API doesn't support reordering treeviews. However, there's currently a [proposed Webview View API](https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_49#_webview-views) with which this would be possible. So definitely something...

This pull request in the vscode repo will hopefully add support for this feature in the relatively near future: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/pull/122239

Glad you've been enjoying it! So it turns out I've been completely overhauling the statistics system for a little while now (in the [feature-statsrevamp](https://github.com/piersdeseilligny/betterfountain/tree/feature-statsrevamp) branch). It currently looks like this:...

Hi! Sorry for the late reply - although I think I already answered on the discord? just so that it's public here and for posterity, this isn't something which is...

Hi @DrClairvoyant Thanks for reporting this - could you just attach the .fountain document too (I think you forgot to attach it, there's only the PDF :p ) and i'il...

So the issue is that most Chinese fonts are .ttc, rather than .ttf, which isn't a format supported by `font-finder`, the library I use to detect and index all the...