Pierre Ingmansson
Pierre Ingmansson
Looking closer at the code it seems like the built in pinging does a connect, so I suppose this is as expected. The delay in commands I see after running...
I added some more logging and ran that version to see what's going on in more detail. It looks like [this](https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-plejd/blob/5ae81517555e05f3bc4146cc0d5e7f4ca6714503/custom_components/plejd/plejd_site.py#L158-L159) is the problem. When a bluetooth device is discovered...
I also realized I seem to get calls to `_discovered` for other types of Bluetooth devices. I guess the `service_uuid` thing is supposed to filter on only the Plejd mesh...
Created two PRs to see if @thomasloven agrees it could fix this issue. https://github.com/thomasloven/pyplejd/pull/7: To return `true` if a added device is new https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-plejd/pull/70: To use the previous to only...