
Results 28 comments of pierobot

If you're using Apache as the front end server with HTTPS and it's proxying requests to crow, then you don't need to use HTTPS between Apache and crow unless you're...

Just use ``std::string``. It can hold literally anything you want so long as you use it correctly. If the other side of the connection expects raw data as the body...

Does the file need to be sent that way? Why not do something like ``` cpp std::string const get_file_contents(...) { std::string file_contents; file_contents.resize(file_size); // ... read to &file_contents[0] return file_contents;...

Yes. You call whatever asynchronous functions Linux/Windows provide inside `get_file_contents_async` and it will not block so long as you poll for completion from [aio_read](https://linux.die.net/man/3/aio_read)/[ReadFileEx](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365468(v=vs.85).aspx) in a separate thread. I've updated...

Did you take a look at the [crow::json::wvalue](https://github.com/ipkn/crow/blob/master/include/crow/json.h#L1088) class? You'll see that ``crow::json::wvalue`` has a move-assignment operator: ``wvalue& operator=(std::vector&& v)`` And [crow::response](https://github.com/ipkn/crow/blob/master/include/crow/http_response.h#L13) has constructors that accept a reference and rvalue...

Looks like you're right. You can add the following constructor to ``crow::json::wvalue`` for it to compile. Up to you to actually test it though. ```cpp wvalue(std::vector&& v) { l =...

I should have tried your code, the problem is that ``crow::json::wvalue`` has the copy constructor implicitly deleted; meaning you cannot call ``push_back``. You have to use ``emplace_back(std::move(troi));`` I guess you...

https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7578 https://stackoverflow.com/a/23517227/7163417 After a quick read looks like * Content-Type ``boundary`` contains the string that will separate parts. To get a part, find the start of a boundary and then...

I'll try to reproduce.

I was not able to reproduce. The only thing I can think of is the session expiring. Could you try to enable debug mode and see if anything shows up...