Pierluigi Ferrari
Pierluigi Ferrari
What is the verbose output of the conversion process?
Any updates? I'm also waiting on this feature :)
This is the kind of issue that you can debug yourself relatively easily with a few simple print statements inside `DataGenerator.generate()`. Work your way backwards from the point where the...
It doesn't matter what the concrete pictures in a given batch are or that they change in every new batch. You still simply proceed with the debugging process I laid...
What you posted in your last post might actually be a bug. The data generator works fine if all images have ground truth or if none of the images have...
@jetjodh No, I'm busy with other stuff at the moment, but in #143 I proposed a possible solution that you could try out locally until I find the time to...
This reply comes super-late, but you're right, thanks for pointing that out! I'll change it so that the image is being undistorted first.