Phil Huang
Phil Huang
1. Detect interface connected state of a network cable/connector or not 2. Get MTU on the interface 3. Add python docstring into interface class Signed-off-by: Phil Huang
- Fixed incorrect link for Spring Apps - Add Azure Red Hat OpenShift content into Azure compute decision tree
- Enable watchdog device - The timeout of WD is 30s - Interval is 5s - Enable realtime - Setting the priority is 1 Signed-off-by: Phil Huang
##### SUMMARY - Remove `Standard_D2s_v3` and Standard_D4s_v3 and add `Standard_D16s_v3` and `Standard_D32s_v3` from masterProfile, only `Standard_D8s_v3` can work currently - Remove `Standard_D2s_v3` from workerProfile, because VM instance needs to be...
##### SUMMARY VM instance type support issue ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME azure_rm_openshiftmanagedcluster ##### ANSIBLE VERSION ```paste below ansible 2.9.27 config file = /mnt/c/Users/pinhuang/ms-workspace/runbook-for-azure-redhat-openshift/deploy-aro/ansible.cfg configured module...
- Localize Event-Driven Architecture for Traditional Chinese -
- Add Kubernetes Namespace / Deployment / Service (ClusterIP only) - Add Secret for sensitive data
This pull request to the `deadman` file includes changes to improve the readability of regular expressions, add a new configuration validation function, and ensure the configuration is validated before running...