> @pianocomposer321 did you get anywhere with this? I'm trying out hyper and immediately tried to hunt down a plugin that could replace vim-tmux-navigator Unfortunately, no I did not. Since...
Sounds like a great idea!
I'm not sure exactly what you need...maybe just `getcwd()`? IIRC, the terminal should already start in the current working directory. If your cwd is not already correct, you're probably not...
@ybbond Here's a better solution (this is untested but I think it should work lol): ```lua run = { command = function() return "./" .. vim.fn.expand("%:r") end, output = "terminal",...
You're right though, the expand function should be improved. Either that or removed in favor of doing it the above way all the time, but I'd rather get it to...
It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it really fits that well into this plugin's intent. One of the things that I decided early on in the creation of...
P.S. I took a look at just though, it does look pretty cool. I might actually end up using it, as I've had a hard time with writing my own...
Also, seems like it might be a dup of https://github.com/pianocomposer321/yabs.nvim/issues/23.
Interesting idea...that actually sounds like a nice feature to have. No promises about when or how, but I'll definitely think about it.
Is there a way to disable treesitter indentation for only a single filetype? I'm content to use https://github.com/Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent until this issue is fixed, but I'd still like to use treesitter...