## Your environment TbSync version:2.20 Provider for cardDav:1.24 Thunderbird version:78.6 [x] Yes, I have installed the latest available beta version from https://tbsync.jobisoft.de and my issue is not yet fixed, I...
Opening a second instance of whatsapp-for-linux immediately closes it. It would be great to allow users to open two different whatsapp-for-linux with different accounts. For example, with a command like...
Trip duration calculation give me unrealistic results for hiking profile. For [example](https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=16/42.9386/2.8776/OpenTopoMap&lonlats=2.879899,42.938957;2.865034,42.918532&profile=hiking-mountain), a 450 m climbing on a 3.5 km distance give me a trip duration of 1 hour and...
spark 20125 19562 20250 20125 19562 19437 20062 20062 20125 20187 show me : ▆▂█▆▂▁▆▆▆▇ This value are really higher from zero. Would it be possible to avoid that all...
Hi, Thank you for your app. I use the discord web app but needed a notification app only. Yours is quite perfect ! To reach perfection :-) (for me) would...
I find your program really useful. Many thanks for it. For my usage, there is just on missing function. Would it be possible to write the score of the student...