Pooya Parsa

Results 476 issues of Pooya Parsa

Internal implementations are unnecessary since most of platforms already implemented it as standard global `URL` / `URLSearchParams` - pkg: https://www.npmjs.com/package/whatwg-url - example; https://github.com/nuxt/vite/commit/c0e051f371b35ef47a7f3796c04f621bde043afe

Useful for mocking node `fs` API

Historically ufo was started as a polyfill for `URL` when there were no enough browser coverage and also due to behavior variations. Now that [URL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL) is an standard de-facto, we...


Extracted from #175 Utilities for trailing slash (`withTrailingSlash`) operate on URIs that have a meaning for trailing slash. `http`, `https`, (perhaps `rsync`, `ftp` and custom protocols are included) However there...


Reported by @Kolobok12309 (https://github.com/unjs/ufo/issues/31#issuecomment-900184686) Current behavior: ```js normalizeURL('/test%2Bfile.txt') = '/test+file.txt' ``` Expected behavior: ```js normalizeURL('/test%2Bfile.txt') = '/test%2Bfile.txt' ```


Using `ungh` NPM client, we can have full type support and possibly even client-side in-memory cache.

Currently, deployment uses one personal token of mine. Using a token pool from the community, we shall load balance requests. Using limited GitHub tokens, they will be only and only...

For example mine works https://api.github.com/search/[email protected] while https://api.github.com/search/[email protected] results in nothing.

Similar to unix [/dev/null](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_device) to make mount points no-op

good first issue
driver request


driver request