
Results 29 comments of physkets

My swap is encrypted like so: ```shell $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part /boot ├─nvme0n1p2...

[udisksctl_dump.txt]( Anything odd there?

How do I change that? EDIT: I followed your blog post on converting to an encrypted swap: Did I do something wrong?

So if that entry isn't necessarily filled in every case where the swap is encrypted, shouldn't fwupd consider such a scenario? Or should I file a bug report with whichever...

Can I manually modify whatever `udisks` is reading? As you can see from the output of `lsblk` in an earlier comment, it is a valid partition.

![PXL_20240103_071822290]( This is what I see when using the Fedora Live USB.

I think I have the same result with the latest version: ```bash $ fwupdmgr security Host Security ID: HSI:1! (v1.9.11) HSI-1 ✔ BIOS firmware updates: Enabled ✔ Fused platform: Locked...

Oh, shoot.. sorry, this is my first time using GitHub. The problem was that the script was being blocked. I'm attaching it here. ![screenshot_2016-04-09_21-20-59](

How do I figure that out? Do I have to try all permutations and combinations of all my 18 active extensions? And if it is?