Philipp Wiget
Philipp Wiget
Hi there, just proposed this functionality in pull request #452 Usage: ``` var imageEditor = new tui.ImageEditor('#tui-image-editor-container', { includeUI: { loadImage: { path: 'img/sampleImage2.png', name: 'SampleImage' }, theme: blackTheme, //...
Play version: 2.8.7 play-flyway-version: 7.2.0 Stacktrace: ``` [error] c.p.p.m.BugReporter - New error occured: /static/de/app.bf8b0ad0254ee76d5c60.bundle.min.js Database 'default' needs migration![An SQL script need to be run on your database.]$anonfun$checkState$1(Flyways.scala:173) Database...
@azzzy Thanks for the hint. Did not have time yet to further investigate. However, we use indeed custom error handlers, hence this may be the cause.
Maybe some more solutions: - Create a custom MySQL profile as stated here ``` import slick.ast.{AnonSymbol, NullaryNode, ScalaBaseType, SimplyTypedNode} import java.sql.{Time, Timestamp} import java.time.{LocalDateTime, LocalTime} /** * Custom MySQL profile...
According to the source code it applies to Instant and LocalDateTime.