Paul Tyson
Paul Tyson
[geojson-ld]( - A vocabulary and JSON-LD context for GeoJSON.
In "playMode": { "@id": "schema:playMode"}, should be `"playMode": { "@id": "schema:playMode","@type": "@id"},` to match range type of [playMode](
Line 489, malformed triple.
Please Indicate One: * [ ] Editorial * [ ] Question * [ ] Feedback * [ ] Blocking Issue * [x] Non-Blocking Issue I can't find any definition of...
`as:name` schema declaration should use `rdfs:comment` property instead of non-existent `rdfs:name`
Please Indicate One: * [ ] Editorial * [ ] Question * [ ] Feedback * [ ] Blocking Issue * [x] Non-Blocking Issue In activitystreams2.owl: ``` as:name a owl:DatatypeProperty...