Guillermo Estrada
Guillermo Estrada
As the title suggests, is this possible currrently with Libui? I guess a simple **step** property would suffice.
Hey, I'm using your library for testing and I ran into a functionality issue Geohash Ints have that you might be able to help me sort out. Geohashes (string) are...
**HUE** blend mode produces the same effect on both Photoshop CS5 and GIMP. Current implementation reproduces both exactly. **SATURATION**, **COLOR**, and **LUMINOSITY** blending modes have different implementations on Photoshop CS5...
Vivid light algorithm (and hard mix because of that) does not produce the same effects as Adobe Photoshop CS 5. The vivid light algorithm used right now is working fine...
Hey, I'm just starting a dev blog using this great theme, and one of my use cases (for including code examples in a per post basis) has the need to...
Is there a remote possibility to have language support at least on card search by name? (Maybe explicitly specifying the language). AFAIK Gatherer lets you change the language on the...
I've been looking for a simple way to check if the flash is empty, but it does not provide any simple array/hash methods for that. Maybe adding an empty? method...
Hi I've just been developing an app in sinatra and just moved my authentication logic to another file, but when i tried to use flash[:notice] from inside that file it...
LuaJit is out of Beta, so maybe switching to the stable release would be appropiate. Cheers!
Maybe use the one found in the wiki? Simple dll distribution on Windows and very useful.