Luka Coder
Luka Coder
Maybe this code should be added to workerman? $ssl_info = stream_context_create(array( "ssl" => array( "capture_peer_cert" => TRUE))); $cert_resource = stream_context_get_params($stream); $certificate = $cert_resource['options']['ssl']['peer_certificate']; $certinfo = openssl_x509_parse($certificate);
Its quite simple to implement. Im pasting the code if you want to add it... tested today and it works. In workerman.php you add this in __construct() ``` // Context...
I have another problem, this does not work on tcp://ip:port with ->transport = ssl
@walkor can you help me with this. Can this SSL context be used with tcp:// wrapper? If I use tcp wrapper, it just silently ignore ssl settings? Is ssl suppose...
yes that would be awsome...
I tried to install version 1.0.0 but it always says its running 0.5 when you check with -v (version) Also it runs long and then dies. What is the procedure...
Hmm strange, it still doesnt work. And you email doesnt work either, it says no such user. best,
I sended. I think it gots problems with bigger htmls because like you said recursive algorithm. But with 1.0.0 it doesnt seem to be any diffrent. Maybe we could split...
OK, thanks. If I can help in anyway, please tell me. Best regards,