Phong V. Cao
Phong V. Cao
the highlighting of `bat` is very bad for my color theme. I would much prefer fzf preview to have an option for `cat --number`.
The current code in the master branch uses "gf" to navigate to the filenames in the "File List" window, which would be impossible if the output "File List" window contains...
@andreasqueri By default ls doesn't output in colors. You have to use ls like this: ``` ls --color -a ``` In my bashrc I have the following lines for `ls`...
@blacksky86 I am not really sure why you guys have problems. I no longer use Termite now I think it is still in a very unstable state. I switched to...
Hi @oblitum thank you for using the plugin. There seems to be some changes in the way deepcopy() function works in Vim 8.0, which introduces this error. To suppress the...
yeah that still doesn't work.
@petertriho ok I finally got it to work with the following config. However, when I press key `` and then `n` or `N` of `hlslens` to navigate to the next...
Ok I might have found a hint. So if I disable `dense-analysis/ale` it works. It looks like it only disappears when `ALE` is on. I tried disabling `coc.nvim` too but...
ok even if I disabled all of my `ALE` configs, `nvim-scrollbar` still disappears as above. I also disabled all other Vim plugins & my entire `.vimrc` & `init.lua` except `nvim-scrollbar`...
Hi edkolev, How has the work on this feature been going? It has been a while since this thread was posted.