I have already have a composer.json file which content is : { "require": { "torophp/torophp": "dev-master", "mustache/mustache": "dev-master" } } How to include your composer.json content to mine?
Value was not found in the DOM or Response... , What is this mean?
Changed current directory to /home/laradock/.composer Warning from You are using an outdated version of Composer. Composer 2.0 is now available and you should upgrade. See
- php 7.4.3 - laravel 5.8 - Nova 3.1.0 - spatie/laravel-permission 3.11.0 - vyuldashev/nova-permission v2.5.0 In the meanwhile, I cannot attach multi roles or permissions in a single operation, no...
For old dependency of elasticsearch/elasticsearch, does it have a possible to support?
After I add `[[ -e ~/.phpbrew/bashrc ]] && source ~/.phpbrew/bashrc` to `~/.zshrc` , my shell style is ugly displaying like this: ```shell \w > \u@\h [php:7.4.3 -phpbrew]\n$ ```
I guess it's a problem about Carbon 2, but not sure