Phoebe Bright

Results 9 issues of Phoebe Bright

This could be a user error but have tried every permutation I can think of without success. I'm using the versin of updated on Aug 11, 2011. Here is...

Have installed session security as per instructions with default values. In my system many of may page changes are via javascript with document.location.href = next; Have tried both "http://domain/etc/123" and...

I'm trying to add an image that has been extracted from an email straight into django content gallery and tried various approaches with no success. The payload is a bytes...

Fixed a few issues to make it 1.8 compatible in fork Should I do a pull request?

This is my use case: I am parsing long strings for one or many dates, numbers, emails and url. In the case of dates or datetimes, I replace the text...

Using Australian locale and then to be sure defining separators: c = pdt.Constants('en_AU') c.dateSep = ['-', '/'] But insists that 3.2 is a date. Is there any way to prevent...

My site does a lot of rendering via javascript, calling APIs, creating charts etc. As a lazy approach, would it be possible to include a delay argument to give the...

I am using aiocoap python client to manage communicaitons between an IOT logger device and a python coap server. The simple process is that the logger makes a POST or...

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Geraldo-0.4.14-py2.5.egg/geraldo/", line 119, in format_date return date.strftime(expression) TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode I got this error when I moved the code to the production server,...