Piaras Hoban

Results 8 comments of Piaras Hoban

Thanks @timofurrer, appreciate the quick response. I can easily workaround for now by omitting the leading `./`.

That is true but it's also a convention that's widely used in infra-as-code tooling to specify a path relative to the project/repo root. As a user I would not expect...

To me showing the plan in PR comment makes sense. I think this should work nicely with the manual approval feature already in place. I like the approach of Atlantis:...

Interesting idea to use the commit message body; my sense is that this could quickly lead to bloated repositories / slow pulls, particularly with complex plans? Perhaps https://github.com/fluxcd/go-git-providers plus the...

Something like this in the comment could work; using ``: View plan ```terraform Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the...

I think an API something like the below would be required to implement this feature. A couple of things to note: - separate credentials would be required to access the...

Thinking a bit more about this, I think an event-driven approach might be a good way to approach generic health-checks. For example, in the context of AWS I can subscribe...

I think this is largely related to code structure. The kustomize controller has very clear reconcile phases and the logging, metrics and events are consistent as a result. I think...