Serge K
Serge K
@apchenjun Feel free to raise PR
We already have UpdatedAtAttribute. I will be glad PR with implementation: CreateAtAttribute and VersionAttribute.
@TanvirSojal Can you check `1.20.1` version?
@TanvirSojal I didn't implement FilterData logic, it came from community PR. I need time to investigate solution. Also, you can try to raise your PR with fix
@cnkker this: ``` var sqlQuery = userSqlGenerator.GetSelectFirst(null, null); ```
I think we can support ` p=>true` too. But later
Nested join - problem with mapping data. I didn't find any way for automatic mapping
Here mapping code: ``` private static TEntity EntityJoinMapping(IDictionary lookup, PropertyInfo[] keyProperties, IList childKeyProperties, IList childProperties, IList propertyNames, Type entityType, TEntity entity, params object[] childs) { var compositeKeyProperty = string.Join("|", keyProperties.Select(q...
@VladislavAntonyuk Feel free to open PR :)
@sakethv-mega Hi, when can I expect the Sync Feature? Or maybe another solution for sync(3rd party tools, cmd in termux, whatever)? I tried using 3rd party tools (FolderSync and Autosync...